Treatment Of
Adrianoupoleos 11Α,
Kolonos, Greece
+30 210 51 29 504
Specific learning difficulties are manifested by problems in acquiring basic skills such as reading, spelling and arithmetic. These difficulties are disproportionate to the age and cognitive ability of the human being. The most common form is dyslexia, with difficulties in writing and reading. That is, Dyslexics have a lot of difficulty in reading (very slow and mistaken), in spelling (misspellings) and have difficulty transferring their spoken word to the writing.
Dyslexia appears in 4 Boys to 1 Girl. The cause is usually genetic. It is not due to mental deficiency or to failed teaching or to emotional factors or to brain damage. It represents a specific lack of maturity, which tends to decrease as the child grows up and can be significantly improved, especially when appropriate therapeutic assistance is offered in time.
An important role in establishing the recovery program is the diagnosis. The evaluation process is a work of a multidisciplinary team consisting of a clinical psychologist, a special pedagogue and a logopedic.
The rehabilitation program is not effective if the evaluation is not right, or if it is not based on its results. The aim of the assessment is to observe all child's abilities in reading, spelling and arithmetic. It is also important to analyze the person's mistakes. With a good knowledge of the child's cognitive profile and the nature of mistakes in specialized areas, the goals and methods to be used to cultivate the potential of the child are decided by the treatment team.
Because the manifestation of dyslexia differs from person to person, it needs personalized counseling programs that aim at restoring all skills that are not well developed.
Do not let Dyslexia consolidate:
Early diagnosis of dyslexia is of the utmost importance for the future of children because it allows our team to organize an appropriate treatment program, to support children and their families psychologically and to anticipate more serious consequences. But even a child of 11-12 years (and above) can benefit to a satisfactory degree from the treatment program.
At the Greek Vojta Center, our goal is to diagnose Dyslexia in a timely manner, using the special tests, so that valuable time for the child is not lost. We direct the parents and we are in close cooperation with their teachers and their environment to deal with the problem drastically.
At the Greek Vojta Center we offer services for diagnosis and treatment of dyslexia. Our scientific team, consisting of a speech therapist, an occupational therapist, a special pedagogue, a psychologist and a child psychiatrist, guarantees the best results, safely for the child and his family.